Relief from Depression Part 2

Excerpt from Farhat Hashmi’s speeches.

Its important to not only know the means but also the symptoms of depression. Because when one can see the signs they can cure it properly. Among these signs, first sign is to have anxiety, lack of peace. Without any apparent external reason, you are feeling anxious. Sometimes a person feels anxious but there are reasons behind it for example your relative passed away, loss in property, any form of loss usually its an obvious reason. Then there are times when one is feeling anxious they are not aware or there is no direct reason that’s sign of depression.

And then there is negative thinking. To adopt negative perspective with everything, to think wrong of someone even if they are doing good, to suspect everyone, holding ill opinion of everyone, this is also sign of depression.

What then becomes consequence of all this? Not being able to sleep well. Of all means Allah has placed to avoid stress or restlessness is the ability to sleep.  Sleep becomes deprived from this human. There are so many who take sleeping tablets to go to sleep. To constantly be sleeping taking tablets and not participating in worldly activities this is not a cure to depression.

In addition to internal condition, there are external signs to depression as well. For example having cold sweats, heart beating rapidly, weakness in body, get tired quickly did small amount of work & get tired, lose the ability to work, constant victim of negative thoughts. In some cases people have phobias they cannot get on an elevator, enter closed room, enter place that is too dark. In normal circumstance these phobias wouldn’t have risen but due to depression person develops these phobias. A normal person is alone he is able to enter dark room perchance the light went away it doesn’t trouble him. But when one is going through depression small things trigger. These small things make person weak and defeated.

In some cases small illnesses lead to bigger illnesses such as ulcers, hypertensive, asthma, some people get skin disease. People are purchasing medicine to treat these illnesses but they are not addressing the root cause. Then the repercussion is that this medicine has its own side effects. Then it becomes a chain of illnesses. To address depression a person ends up taking a shelter under other illnesses. They are not addressing root cause. This is reason symptoms shouldn’t just be treated rather root cause of illness should be treated. Illnesses will not be cured by taking tablets.

So person should take on treatment that truly works. What is that? One should correct their thought/perspective. Because until you don’t approach life in right way or correct your perspective then that person cannot get better. With trusting Allah, one should not waste themselves over small losses. For example there is saying don’t cry over spilled milk. But you see lot of people make this habit. In morning while making tea you spilled milk. All day that you keep thinking today I spilled milk. I had to clean the stove & this happened, it started smelling. We keep ruminating not just on it but even its after effects such as it smelled, keep making ourselves sad. But actually what spilled, it spilled, its done and now I have to try to forget this. Because there is no benefit in worrying about it.

Similar to this someone mentioned one shouldn’t pay dearly for one’s whistle. A whistle is something insignificant that you can get it for 1-2 rupees why should you spend 10 rupees on it. So one should value a thing for what its worth not more than that. If 2 rupees or 10 rupees worth of milk got spilled in consequence why are you worrying yourself when you yourself are more valuable than this? After having to experience small losses, one shouldn’t take on bigger losses. Give everything importance to what its inherent value is. Every loss or anything ask yourself what is its worth (to me)? What is it’s reality? For this I am worrying, crying, heart broken what is it really? You will observe many things due to which we are upset in reality they are as not worth as much. We end up spending lot more (worry, efforts or money) over things greater than their worth. 

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